Applicable to the Strand 2 – “Democratic Engagement and Civic Participation”
Measure 2.2 “Network of Towns”
4 events have been carried out within this project:

Event 1
Participation: The hybrid events involved 76 in-person participants, including: 2 from of Lisbon, 1 from Amsterdam (The
Netherlands), 2 from Trebnje (Slovenia), 2 from Pargaujas (Latvia), 2 from Mioveni (Romania), 2 from Mostar (Bosnia), 2 from
ALDA Vicenza (Italy); 51 in-person participants from the city of Arcugnano; 12 online participants from Peja (Kosovo), Vlora
(Albania), Jihlava (Czech Republic), Jawor (Poland), Kitev (Germany) and Zajecar (Serbia), 2 from Reggio Emilia (Italy).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Arcugnano, Italy, from 21/07/2021 to 23/07/2021
Short description: The event started with a public presentation of the project and consortium to the local community. Following,
a public conference with experts from the art and urban planning sector, to discuss the challenge of street art in urban
regeneration. Then, a tour of the local street art works was organised.
Event 2
Participation: The hybrid events involved 88 participants, including: 61 from the city of Lisbon (Portugal), 2 from the city of
Mioveni (Romania), 2 from the city of Reggio Emilia (Italy), 2 from the city of Pargaujas (Latvia), 2 from the city of Vlora
(Albania), 3 from the city of Jihlava (Czech Republic), 2 from the city of Arcugnano (Italy), 2 from ALDA (Italy); 12 online
participants of which 2 from Peja (Kosovo), 3 from Amsterdam (Netherlands), 2 from Trebnje (Slovenia), 2 from Mostar
(Bosnia), 1 from Kitev (Germany), 2 from Zajecar (Serbia).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Lisbon, Portugal, from 13/10/2021 to 15/10/2021
Short description: The aim of the event was to focus on the overall efforts and reflections of project STAR about engaging
citizens in recovering degraded areas through urban art, developed further the importance this artistic expression has in local
and community development processes. Aside from partnership meetings to share the work being done in each of the
countries involved in the project, the program had three sessions designed to show examples of local development in Lisbon.
Event 3
Participation: The hybrid event involves 93 in-person participants, including: 76 participants from the City of Peja (Kosovo), 2
from Arcugnano (Italy), 1 from ALDA (Italy); 17 online participants of which 2 from Lisbona (Portugal), 1 from Amsterdam
(Netherlands), 1 from Trebnje (Slovenia), 1 from Pargaujas (Latvia), 1 from Mioveni (Romania), 2 from Jihlava (Czech
Republic), 1 from Jawor (Poland), 2 from Mostar (Bosnia), 1 from Kitev (Germany), 2 from Zajecar (Serbia), 2 from Reggio
Emilia (Italy).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Peje, Kosovo, from 25/04/2022 to 27/04/2022
Short description: A workshop by an art expert was held, who introduced them to street art techniques and discussed the
change of abandoned urban language in various works of art. The meeting continued with the project partners with the
construction of the country murals and talked about their local initiatives around street art. After the meeting, they also visited
the ANIBAR Organisation and visited some murals in the city of Peja.
Event 4
Participation: The event involved 85 in-person participants, including 58 from Amsterdam (Netherlands), 2 from Lisbon
(Portugal), 2 from Trebnje (Slovenia), 2 from Zajecar (Serbia), 2 from Vlore (Albania), 2 from Kitev (Germany), 3 from Reggio
Emilia (Italy), 1 from ALDA (Italy), 2 from Arcugnano (Italy), 1 from Jawor (Poland), 2 from Mioveni (Romania), 2 from Mostar
(Bosnia), 2 from Jihlava (Czech Rep), 2 from Peja (Kosovo); 1 online from Pargaujas (Latvia)
Location / Dates: The event took place in Amsterdam, Netherlands, from 25/05/2022 to 27/05/2022
Short description: It consisted in a workshop associated with the mural production. The aim of the event was to share the
Project results presentation, whereby each partner will show the local process and mural done with the project and tell more
about the 2 years program in their city. In addition we took the participants on a tour of Amsterdam City in the context of the
Street Art & Democracy exhibition.
Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.2 “Networks of Towns”
Measure 2.3 “Civil Society Projects”
Strand 1 – “European Rememberance”
3 participatory events were locally implemented in the 13 STAR project countries:
Local path 1: identification of target places for urban regeneration
Participation: The local path 1 involved 574 citizens in total from all the partner countries. Specifically: 43 local citizens from
Peja (Kosovo); 48 from Amsterdam (Netherlands); 32 from Trebnje (Slovenia); 41 from Vlore (Albania); 43 from Mioveni
(Romania); 29 from Kitev (Germany); 107 from Zajecar (Serbia); 85 from Reggio Emilia (Italy); 27 from Arcugnano (Italy), 26
from Lisbon (Portugal), 25 from Jihlava (Czech Rep), 25 from Pargaujas (Latvia), 23 from Jawor (Poland), 43 from Mostar
(Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Short description: Partners carried out a participative investigation involving citizens to understand which areas of their
towns are considered the least attractive by their citizens, thus selecting the place where to realise the mural. Opinions of
the inhabitants were mainly collected by online surveys due to covid-19 – related restrictions, forums, interviews, workshops
Local path 2: raising awareness among children on importance of social inclusion through art
Participation: The local path 2 involved 474 citizens in total in all the partner countries. Specifically: 30 citizens from
Arcugnano (Italy), 27 from Lisbon (Portugal), 28 from Jihlava (Czech Rep), 25 from Jawor (Poland), 28 from Peja (Kosovo),
98 from Trebnje (Slovenia), 28 from Amsterdam (Netherlands); 25 from Vlore (Albania); 28 from Mioveni (Romania); 25 from
Kitev (Germany); 25 from Zajecar (Serbia); 57 from Reggio Emilia (Italy); 25 from Pargaujas (Latvia), 25 from Mostar
(Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Short description: Each partner collaborated with local actors (schools) and volunteers to organise 1 awareness-raising
workshop for youth on social inclusion and the power of art (including street art) for promoting it. Through drawings and
paintings, young citizens reflected on social inclusion values at the base of the EU culture, sharing with the artist inspiration
for mural ideas .
Local path 3: workshops on urban regeneration
Participation: The local path 3 involved 480 citizens in total in all the partner countries. Specifically: 25 citizens from
Arcugnano (Italy), 25 from Jihlava (Czech Rep), 48 from Lisbon (Portugal), 25 from Jawor (Poland), 25 from Peja (Kosovo),
70 from Trebnje (Slovenia), 26 from Amsterdam (Netherlands); 25 from Vlore (Albania); 50 from Mioveni (Romania); 30 from
Kitev (Germany); 28 from Zajecar (Serbia); 48 from Reggio Emilia (Italy); 30 from Pargaujas (Latvia), 25 from Mostar
(Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Short description: Each partner implemented 1 local workshop led by a street artist and resulted in the creation of the
mural inspired by youth in the public space identified by citizens in the local path 1. This contributed to promoting active
citizenship and the sense of local identity.